Created the final draft!

Hi again, People!

Here's the final draft of the Archery Range! I spent quite a bit of time on this update, and went through 12 micro-versions to get to this macro-version. I made it so when you hit the bullseye you get a little surprise! Yay!

Basically, here's what's up. I created* decorations and proper light fixtures, which is cool. i also made the bow actually shoot, haha. (Yeah, it didn't do that last version) I also raised the roof of the range, because my head was clipping through it which was weird. It was also making the arrows fly really wonky. 

Side note: There's a weird texture on the bow that is making a pink rectangle in the range, and I can't get rid of it without destroying and remaking my bow, which would take too much time. It happened after unity updated, so that's a pain.

*Drawings on the walls are from


Orb Archery room 0.13.apk 28 MB
Jan 04, 2023

Get Archery VR room

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